how to save pictures from hi5

Due to the fact that hi5 has implemented a system against copying and saving pictures from the website,by javascripting rewriting of the src link of a hi5 picture,none of the most known methods of saving a picture from hi5 works:save as,save,show picture link,copy image location.
it all takes you to a gif picture 1×1_trans.gif which has 1 pixel in dimension.
But I will now show you how to bypass this trick.
There are two methods:
1 …view page source,and therefore copy image src location
2..the most common method..simple as daylight…SAVE PAGE AS :d
It therefore saves the page and the adjacent folder on your hard drive…
And that’s it…enjoy and fuck those assholes who hi5 tries to protect:P

Si in limba romana deh,ca sa stie tot taranu…hi5 a criptat pozele userilor cu rescrierea prin javascript a scr ului pozelor..astfel aparand o imagine numita 1x1_trans.gif.Nu mai merge nici save as,nici save picture as,si nici copy image locaion,precum nici show photo links.
Dar sunt 2 chestii pe care nimeni nu le va putea cripta.
Si anume..codul sursa al paginii unde se afla adevaratul link al pozei care este suprascris in html,si optiunea de salvare a paginii in page as…iar in fisierul adiacent va fi poza dorita.
Enjoy si hai sa nu mai protejam cocalarii si pitipoancele.:P

117 thoughts on “how to save pictures from hi5

  1. spune-mi si mie te rog cum pot sa copiez poze de pe hi5 … mai explicit te rog k nu ma pricep f bn.msik

    1. dude…estte posibil si cu PRINT SCREEN (butonul de deasupra INSERT)…dupa ce ai dat PRINT SCREEN,intri in PAINT dai CTRL+V,si iti copiaza imaginea acolo..poti da crop image,ramane poza,si ma ramane decat sa o salvezi.Prob e ca nu o salveaza la rezolutia originla iar calitatea lasa putin de dorit.Incearca si vezi cum e.ENJOY

      1. Si eu tot asa fac cand simt nevoia sa iau o poza de pe hi5. Print Screen.

        Pe Netlog e altfel. Acolo dai refresh, si cat mai repede dupa refresh click dreapta pe poza -> save image as…
        Daca click-ul nu vine imediat dupa refresh, nu mai apare optiunea “save image as…”

  2. Take a look at this program.
    It won’t “save the picture as” but it can print your screen with the foto in the middle of it to a folder you’ve set for it. Just a click per any page in hi5. The only problem is the later cropping of the images but imo it’s faster than going to check the page’s source everytime you want to save the image. Imagine you want to save a whole album… can you see the time you’ll save with this program? There must be others but just tried thi one that btw as a limit of 30 days i think. Anyway you get the idea on how it works and there must be others better than this one.

  3. Salut…cu scuzele de rigoare ca te contactam asa, dar deocamdata este o modalitate buna. Speram sa nu ne arunci intr-un colt.Apelam la oameni inteligenti din blogosfera. Dupa ce vei citi acest comunicat, daca ai disponibilitatea sa te inscrii ar fi ok, si cred de asemenea ca ti-ar placea sa fii un promotor al blogosferei bucurestene. Poate ne contactezi pe mail ( )sa discutam. Poti chiar sa ai propriul eveniment despre ceva anume …depinde doar de tine.

    Acesta este comunicatul:
    “Mesaj important pentru bloggerii din Capitală!
    Pe 30 mai sărbătorim Ziua Bloggerilor Bucureşteni (ZBB). Vor avea loc concerte, video-proiecţii, târguri de blogging, expoziţii, vânzări de produse ale bloggerilor, petreceri etc.
    Informaţii şi înscrieri pe ZBB-2009.RO.
    Trimiteti mai departe mesajul sa circule in blogosfera. Multumim”

  4. There’s a quicker solution :
    Use NoScript Addon in Mozilla Firefox and don’t authorize “About: Blank” when you are on Hi5.
    It will disable this awfull hi5’s javascript…

    1. Hi ptt, can you be more specific about [don’t authorize “About: Blank”] I am new to the internet and don’t know how to do this. Thanks

  5. Have tried disabling the “about:blank” in Firefox, and the other recommended tips above. Still unable to save the HI5 Pics. could it be that the HI5 programmers have “tweaked” their codes to dis-allow pic saving and defeat the above tips? Does anyone have any other recommendations? Thanks, Flav

  6. Thanx Beheader. There’s probably a settings issue within my browser or some other unrealized “self inflicted” issue on my end. Will continue to play with it. Curses upon those HI5 script writers 🙂

  7. The 3rd Method:

    1. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    That’s all 🙂

    Metoda 3:

    1. Clic dreapta pe poza mică a celei care se doreşte salvată
    2. Clic View Image
    3. La URL se modifică […]-01.jpg cu […]-02.jpg
    4. Se apasă Enter
    5. Clic Save Image As

    Asta-i tot 🙂

  8. Thanks to beheader69..but specially to KaRaKteR..his method it’s the best so far..I tried the snipping tool, but as I said..KaRaKteR had the best method…THANKS

  9. The 3rd Method:

    1. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    That’s all 🙂

    my question is how to modify can u show me som example cos i still dont understand on that point thank for help 🙂

  10. One simple solution.

    Step 1 = look at your keyboard, you will find a button called PrntScrn

    Click that button

    step 2 = open an image editting software and paste it there

    step 3 = crop the pic and export as jpeg

    there u go the pic from hi5

    a little smaller but better than nothing

  11. Much easier, using Firefox 3 just drag the pic to address bar of browser, it will load the picture, now you can save it with right button -> save picture as 🙂

  12. you told about copy SCR, but I dont know how to read SCR, there are so many src in source so which one should I copy and paste. . . ?

  13. you told about copy Src, but I dont know how to read Src, there are so many src in source so which one should I copy and paste. . . ?

  14. If the method is too hard 4 u,try edwin’s method:

    1. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    and it works just fine even for beginners

  15. Why is the noscript method working for me!?! Snifff… I can not stand looking at the source every time or rewritting urls…

  16. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    and it works just fine even for beginners


  17. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As


  18. guys i am having promblem to use orkut in dubai UAE, its banned there. Can any 1tell me how to use orkut in UAE ? plz………………

  19. You have to know that with computers you can make everything you won’t!!!! from now you will never say that you can’t but how to make it!!!!!! You find the picture that you want to save and you add this pictures as your favorite!!! After you going to your pictures and go to favorites and try right click save picture as… and save the picture if it doesnt working i will do it for you!!1

  20. @karakter
    nu stiam ca esti roman,caracter mai esti.. cred ca o sa si mai revina…probabil aveau multe plingeri,poate chiar si procese

  21. Imposiblee amigo este metodo no es para amateurs!

    Mejor amigos y admin ve a mi post visitalo leeeloo! y descarga las fotos con solo poner la url y darle click a descargar , suena facil es facil!

    Tnx to beheader

  22. guys please help me what do you mean with […]from -01 what is that? what do i have to replace what? please help me u guys rock…i only speak english or spanish please help?

  23. Easy and Simple method to save pictures from and save media files (Flash video) as follows…

    1. Use the Mozilla Firefox browser.( Can be downloaded from )

    2. Open the page, the picture that you wanted to save.

    3. Click right button( Not on the pictrue) and select the to “View Page Info”.(You can also get this from the menu bar of the browser ie. Tools, Page Info”)

    4. Now select “Media” from the newly opened window and you can see all the pictures and media opened on that particular web page. all the URLs u can find.

    (Example: ******

    5. Now select one by one the picture of the URL (u can find and view in the bottom of the window)and click on “Save As”..That’s it.

    You can even save the flash video files also using this print screen and editing…very simple..

  24. Pentru a salva cel mai usor poze de pe hi5 puteti pur si simplu sa deschideti cu mozila iar la poza care vreti sa o copiati ii dati click dreapta pe ea , block image from…. apoi o sa se mai deschida odata si ii dati click dreapta si save picture este foarte simplu.

  25. dear sir/madam,
    i want to know how to save hi5 photo of my friend from his or her profile, but it is quite confuse for me, so need some guide line.
    thanks for your concern…

  26. for all of u who do not understand:
    The 3rd Method:

    1. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    it-s quite simple.
    i hope I can be of any use…

  27. How about you just use Firefox and disable JavaScript.

    (Tools > Options > Content – uncheck Enable JavaScript)

    You can then save the photos as usual.

  28. Or, just use hi5 mobile site.
    Log in as:
    Pics will save as always…
    Regardless, thanks for the insightful information.

  29. u know guyss//// they are all working but none of them can’t copy the picture like original… pixels are too low and small, how i can use it

  30. These pictures were uploaded 2 or 3 years or more ago, when every picture was automatically resized to 640×480, before hi5 changed it to […]-01.jpg and […]-02.jpg, that were much larger than the old ones.

  31. Nu, nu am lucrat la hi5. Sunt nişte imbecili ! Nu ştiu să îşi administreze site-ul cum trebuie. Au înlocuit user feedback-ul cu un amărât de FAQ care nu îţi răspunde la anumite întrebări.

    Am cont din august 2005 şi am învăţat cum merge treaba, cât de cât 😛

      1. Maybe 😉

        Părerea mea e că nu fac faţă atâtor utilizatori. Pentru mine hi5 e un „dead man walking“. Dar nu zic mai multe pentru că datorită lui am cunoscut fete şi am reluat legături de mult pierdute 🙂

  32. Thanks that worked!

    Been trying to transfer my old photos from hi5 to facebook for months now. And the computer with the photos stored crashed so that help a bunch thanks again.

  33. 1. ie: copy this script….


    1.1 paste into Addressbar and press enter
    1.2 save picture

    2. Firefox: copy this script….


    2.1 paste into Addressbar and press enter
    2.2 save picture

  34. Right-click on the small picture of the one you want to save
    2. Click View Image
    3. Modify the URL from […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg
    4. Press Enter
    5. Click Save Image As

    the url can’t be modified what can I do??

  35. i use screen capture software like avi screen capture, captures bot pictures of ur screen and videos as well

  36. People, listen to what KaraKter says, he’s the man!!! That worked 100 percent. Fuck hi5 moderators

  37. Deci…
    1. Intri pe pagina cu poza…
    2. Apesi Ctrl+U (CTRL si U deodata)
    3.Apesi CTRL si F (tot deodata)
    4.scrii: mainimage la cautarea care s-a deschis cand ai pasat ctrl si f
    5.Aici faza putin mai grea…Linkul cu poza se afla putin mai jos de cuvantul mainimage..ceva de genu http://photos4.. si se termina cu .jpg….Faza misto e ca sunt numai 2 cuvinte mainimage..sub al doilea cuvant se afla un link cu poza 🙂

  38. 3rd way works GREAT!!!!! **not really knowlegble about URLs n stuff** but in a few pics where there wasnt a { […]-01.jpg to […]-02.jpg } there was a { .img.small.jpg } just delete “small”

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